Math Calendar Homework

Thank-you to all of the swimming volunteers who came with us to Killarney Pool making swimming lessons possible! It was amazing watching the students improve their swimming skills and gain confidence in the water. 

October is Math Calendar Month - Each student brought home a math calendar.  Please work together with your child to complete the daily tasks, signing the space when the task has been completed.  If your child needs a bigger challenge, they can complete the task for the day in a unique way. For example, if they can count by twos easily, you may have them count backwards by twos, or have them start at an odd number rather than an even number.

Home reading will be rolled out for grade one students over the next two weeks, as reading tests are completed. Students will bring home a reading bag with two books, and will read for 15-20 minutes. The book bag should be returned the following day, even if the books have not been read.

October 8 -  Picture Day 
October 10th - NOON Dismissal
October 11th -  Non-instructional Day
October 14th - Thanksgiving/No school
October 18th - Sharing Assembly
October 24 - Fun Lunch

November 1st - Non-instructional Day

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