
Showing posts from October, 2019

Visit From Constable Hartman

Earlier this week our class had a visit from Constable Hartman.  He came to talk to our class about recognizing and regulating our emotions.  I thought I'd share what we did with you in case you would like to continue this discussion at home.  If you would like a copy of the Emotion Scale for your child to complete for use at home, just send a note in the agenda and I will send a blank copy home for you. This is an example of the emotions scale he discussed with us.  We talked about how we make good choices when we are feeling calm but that poor choices happen when we become angry or out of control. Constable Hartman then read the above book to us.  The book describes things that we can do when we begin to upset so that our emotions do not get to the 'Out of Control' stage.   We brainstormed what we do when we need a break and here are some of the things we came up with: - Take a deep breath - Go outside to play or ride our bikes - Read a book -


Thank you to all of the parents who sent in pumpkins and pumpkin carving kits last week.  Students worked together to plan what their jack-o-lanterns would look like and had an amazing time carving the pumpkins together.  Having the jack-o-lanterns on display at the front of the school put us all in the Halloween spirit and brought a smile to the faces of many passers by.

Winter Weather and Halloween Info.

Hello Everyone, Here are a few updates and reminders. Please help your child dress for the weather! We send the students outdoors in the cold weather as well as the wet weather (up -20 C windchill). They may need to practice getting their outdoor clothing on and off at home, independently. The students are expected wear their outdoor clothing outside, without teacher reminders.  Students need to keep track of all their belongings. We already have an overflow of clothing in our lost and found - even some snow pants.  Oct 31 - If your child would like to dress up in a Halloween costume, they may bring the costume in  a bag on Thursday and put it on at lunchtime.  Students will need to be able to dress in their costume independently.  Please do not send pieces or makeup. In the afternoon, we will have a school wide costume parade and a buddy activity.  Students can bring their own special snack for the afternoon. Parents may bring a class snack if they would like,

Building Materials for Science

Please send in toilet paper rolls and cardboard egg cartons for building projects in science.

October 18, 2019

Math We have been working on representing repeating patterns in numerous ways.  Building patterns with blocks is a concrete way for students to show understanding and then moving to representing them on paper. In addition to this, students have learned that one pattern can be represented in more than one way.  They have been introduced to renaming patterns that have been presented to them. Increasing and decreasing patterns as well as patterns in number will be the focus for our learning next week.  Have you been working on the math calendar at home? We are hearing from the students that they are enjoying the Mathletics online computer program as well!  Home Reading Each student in our class has daily home reading books . They are to choose appropriate reading books at school, and then practice reading them at home. It is imperative that your child read their books each evening and then return their reading bag to school every day. Library Day Our class book exchange is

Math Calendar Homework

Thank-you to all of the swimming volunteers who came with us to Killarney Pool making swimming lessons possible! It was amazing watching the students improve their swimming skills and gain confidence in the water.  October is Math Calendar Month - Each student brought home a math calendar.  Please work together with your child to complete the daily tasks, signing the space when the task has been completed.  If your child needs a bigger challenge, they can complete the task for the day in a unique way. For example, if they can count by twos easily, you may have them count backwards by twos, or have them start at an odd number rather than an even number. Home reading will be rolled out for grade one students over the next two weeks, as reading tests are completed. Students will bring home a reading bag with two books, and will read for 15-20 minutes. The book bag should be returned the following day, even if the books have not been read. October 8 -  Picture Day  October