Visit From Constable Hartman

Earlier this week our class had a visit from Constable Hartman.  He came to talk to our class about recognizing and regulating our emotions.  I thought I'd share what we did with you in case you would like to continue this discussion at home.  If you would like a copy of the Emotion Scale for your child to complete for use at home, just send a note in the agenda and I will send a blank copy home for you.

This is an example of the emotions scale he discussed with us.  We talked about how we make good choices when we are feeling calm but that poor choices happen when we become angry or out of control.

Constable Hartman then read the above book to us.  The book describes things that we can do when we begin to upset so that our emotions do not get to the 'Out of Control' stage.  

We brainstormed what we do when we need a break and here are some of the things we came up with:
- Take a deep breath
- Go outside to play or ride our bikes
- Read a book
- Have quiet time in our room
- Walk away from the situation
- Cuddle a teddy bear

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